Friday, December 10, 2010

Get FREE Wendy's Fries by Joining the Fry-For-All on Facebook

Join Wendy's new Fry-For-All on Facebook and get a coupon for FREE fries, plus pass on free fries to your friends!  You also have the chance to win bigger prizes!!  How it works:

1.  Share a fry carton on your Facebook wall or by email/on your blog/on Twitter/etc.

2. Each friend who clicks will remove one fry from your box.  The first 5 friends will get a coupon for FREE fries.

3. After your first fry carton is empty, the next size fry carton is unlocked and you can then share it with more people.  It will require more clicks to empty, but that gives you more chances to win.

4. Every fry is a chance at an instant win.  If a friend pulls a winning fry from a box you shared, then you each get a prize!

What are you waiting for... join the Fry-For-All!

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