Saturday, December 17, 2011

Christmas Goodies Day 5: White Chocolate Dipped Pretzels and Oreos

Chocolate dipped pretzels and Oreos are a fun holiday treat to make with kids.  That's one reason why I make dipped Oreos myself, even though I could buy them ready-made dipped Oreos.  And whether you make pretzels or Oreos (or both). the great thing about these is that you can choose your favorite type of chocolate (I prefer white!) and then decorate with different colored sugars or other types of sprinkles.  I like red, green, blue, and red/green together.

How many you will yield will vary a bit but just to give you an idea,  I used a 12 oz. bag of white chocolate to make my pretzels and yielded about 100.  For the Oreos, I used 14 oz. of white almond bark which covered about 30 Oreos.

Chocolate Dipped Pretzels or Oreos

Melting chocolate or almond bark
Pretzels or Oreos
Colored sugar or sprinkles
Wax or parchment paper

Line a baking sheet with wax or parchment paper. In a double boiler, melt the chocolate or almond bark over low heat. Dip pretzels or Oreos in chocolate until completely covered. Lift with a fork and gently tap to shake off excess chocolate. Gently slide pretzel or Oreo onto paper-lined baking sheet. Sprinkle with colored sugar. Once tray is filled, refrigerate until chocolate has completely hardened.

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