Saturday, January 29, 2011

Eversave $10 in Save Rewards Giveaway

Have you heard of Eversave?  Eversave is a daily deal site which features deals from 50-90% off!  Although they don't feature any deals specifically for Evansville, they do feature national deals (like yesterday's hot Shoebuy deal) that you can benefit from no matter where you live!

You can become a member by subscribing to emails so that they can send you the daily Saves.  Plus Eversave makes it easy to "Share the Save" -  when you invite friends to join Eversave or post a Save using the email, Facebook or Twitter links provided, you earn $12 in Save Rewards for each first-time buyer that uses your personalized link!


Eversave would like to give one My Evansville Mommy reader $10 in Eversave Rewards!  This giveaway will end on February 5 at 11:59 PM Central time.  To qualify for this giveaway, Eversave asks that you:

1) Join Eversave (or let me know that you're already a member)
2) "Like" Eversave on Facebook
3) Follow Eversave on Twitter

Then fill out the ENTRY FORM. You can also receive additional entries for the following (you will check these off on the entry form - please do not leave extra comments relating to these):

* Subscribe to My Evansville Mommy's feed or email subscription
* Publicly follow My Evansville Mommy with Google Friend Connect
* "Like" My Evansville Mommy on Facebook
* Follow My Evansville Mommy on Twitter
* Suggest My Evansville Mommy to your Facebook friends - please use the link provided (1 extra entry per every 10 friends invited!)

Thanks to Eversave for providing the giveaway prize!  I was not compensated for hosting this giveaway.


  1. I belong to Eversave and like them on fb (i'm anne dall on fb) and follow them on twitter (i'm wowtotweet) annejk112233(at)yahoo(dot)com

  2. I am already a member of Eversave. Great contest!

    Amanda, apw222 @

  3. I just liked Eversave on fb.

    Amanda, apw222 @

  4. I am now following Eversave on twitter.

    Amanda, apw222 @

  5. I am an eversave member who follows them on twitter and facebook. Yep, I am a little addicted! leandrea246(at)hotmail(dot)com

  6. Already an eversave member.

  7. I like eversave on FB.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. sorry for all the deleted comments tonite - I'm obviously really tired! thank you for the giveaway, I love Eversave!

  12. I already subscribe to Eversave via email. sarlin12 at hotmail dot com

  13. I follow Eversave on facebook. sarlin12 at hotmail dot com

  14. I'm a member of eversave!

    slavetosave at gmail dot com



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