Sunday, January 9, 2011

Book Review: Cinch! Conquer Cravings, Drop Pounds, and Lose Inches

With the arrival of the New Year, I am sure many of us made a resolution or two that had something to do with eating or weight.  I did - I just weaned my daughter a few weeks ago and was dismayed to discover that as a result I am now burning less calories (which is another way of saying I am consuming too many).   So I was very intrigued by the just released weight loss program Cinch! by Cynthia Sass, the creator and co-author of  Flat Belly Diet. Rather than counting calories or drastically reducing just a single factor like fat or carbs, the Cinch! diet focuses on portions and  balance in all areas.  This is supposed to leave your body feeling full while burning fat and increasing your metabolism. And it's really more than just a diet - it's a lifestyle change and a new outlook on food.

As I read through Cinch! I found myself getting more and more excited because not only does the method make sense, it's also packed with exciting recipes to use while you are following the program.  And I was pleased to see that some of the diet's principles fit into food choices that I already make - like eating fresh produce, whole rather than refined grains, or white meat instead of red meat.  I also learned a lot of new things about food and how our body processes different types of food. For example, I didn't know that vinegar can help aid weight loss or that black pepper can help increase calorie burning,

The Cinch! program is a thirty day plan that starts with an optional Five-Day Fast Forward period where you eat only five foods in varying combinations: spinach, almonds, raspberries, eggs, and yogurt (or vegan-friendly alternatives).  These foods are naturally detoxifying and maximize weight loss.  For the remaining twenty-five days (or the full thirty if you choose to skip the Fast Forward), the Cinch! program prescribes four meals a day, evenly spaced three to five hours apart, plus a mandatory dark chocolate escape!  The book provides 100 mouthwatering recipes to use for the breakfast, lunch, snack, and dinner meals prescribed.   Each meal is constructed to include produce, a whole grain, lean protein, plant-based fat, and seasonings.  Later in the book, Cynthia explains how to use these five categories, which she calls pieces of a puzzle, to make healthy choices at restaurants and at home after the thirty-day plan is up.

I mentioned earlier that the plan includes mandatory dark chocolate.  The book explains that this is because dark chocolate can help control food cravings and has proven health benefits!  Who knew, right?  There are even five recipes to make unique chocolate truffles like balsamic or citrus zest truffles (yum!).

I just finished reading the book so I haven't started anything yet, but I am pretty sure that I am going to start the Cinch! plan within the next few weeks (I just need to get the hubby on board, which should be pretty easy).  I will keep you updated on how it goes!

I received a complimentary copy of  Cinch! from One2One Network. I was not otherwise compensated but for my participation were entered into a gift card drawing. All views expressed are my honest opinions.

© 2011 My Evansville Mommy.  The content of this review may not by copied without written permission.

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting. I had seen it mentioned on another site as well and was wondering about it. Mandatory chocolate - yep! That's what I call a diet. :)



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